Chipper- Vermeer BC600XL Wood Chipper 6″

From $225.00

Vermeer BC600XL Wood Chipper

  • Powerful Performance: Equipped with a robust engine, this wood chipper efficiently processes branches and tree limbs up to 6 inches in diameter, making it ideal for tree care professionals and large property owners.
  • User-Friendly Design: Features an intuitive control panel, which simplifies operation and enhances user safety.
  • Enhanced Safety: Comes with safety features such as a large feed table for easy material handling and a smart feed control to optimize chipping efficiency.
  • Compact Size: Despite its powerful capabilities, the BC600XL boasts a compact design, making it easy to maneuver and transport to various job sites.
  • Durable Construction: Built with high-quality materials to withstand rigorous use, ensuring longevity and reliability.
  • Efficiency: The auto-feed system adjusts feed rates to maximize productivity, reducing operator workload and enhancing overall performance.
  • Environmental Care: Produces consistent chip size, which is perfect for mulching, contributing to environmental sustainability.

Perfect for landscaping and tree service professionals, the Vermeer BC600XL wood chipper offers a powerful solution for effective and efficient wood processing, helping to clear debris quickly and easily.